Thank you for caring!
It is 7.30 pm on Rosh Hashanah Eve, Friday, the 18th of September. You are seated with your loved ones for the Festive meal. Dipping the challah and apple into the honey, you recited the prayer, asking Hashem to bless you and your family with a sweet and happy New Year.
Meanwhile, somewhere close by, a single parent, or a low-income family, are sitting at their Rosh Hashanah meal, praising, and blessing God and you, for the great kindness you’ve bestowed on them. At least during this Yom Tov, they can allow themselves the luxury of forgetting about their day to day challenges.
Without your generosity, their New Year would have begun sadly and bitterly.
Your kind donation transformed the atmosphere of their Rosh Hashanah from sadness and despair to one of hope for a better and brighter year ahead.
Thank you very much for making a difference at this significant time of the Jewish year.
May Hashem bless you and your family with health and wealth, and time to enjoy it. And may He bless you with a happy, healthy, and sweet New Year.
Yours sincerely
Rabbi Yaakov Lieder